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greener221 June 26 2015, 04:46:31 UTC
"Dumbledore's motivations make sod all sense in this fic. If he craves respect and power this much, why did he refuse to become Minister for Magic? It's like the author is writing books-era!Dumbledore as the Grindelwald-influenced "For The Greater Good*"!Dumbledore, ignoring the intervening decades of character development. Despite not even liking Deathly Hallows anyway."

Like I said, he's a crazed Harmonian whose only problem is that it doesn't end with Harry/Hermione.


I've been Googling Harry Potter in association with Hot Fuzz for weeks, and I still haven't found anyone attacking her for trying to contextualize a comedy catchphrase as a Nazi slogan.


szaleniec1000 June 26 2015, 10:39:55 UTC
Not that surprising. It's been a stock catchphrase of "ends justify the means" types since forever: it's just that Harry Potter used it straight and Hot Fuzz parodied it.


sickbritkid2 August 5 2015, 05:53:26 UTC
And the entire point of Harry Potter using it straight was to show how Dumbledore, much like every other fucking cunt in the world, was a lot more impetuous and optimistic when he was younger. Because, y'know, he was a dude who'd barely reached the age of majority who thought he knew better than everyone else(being in my mid-20s now has given me a perspective on that sort of thing).

So Robst took Dumbledore's realistic characterization and turned it into...this.

I swear, if I ever go to Scotland, I'm going to find Robst and force feed him a copy of Deathly Hallow.


greener221 August 5 2015, 07:35:38 UTC
And Dumbledore's backstory means...?


sickbritkid2 August 5 2015, 17:31:10 UTC
What the hell are you even on about, now?


greener221 August 5 2015, 19:14:28 UTC
What are you on about? You're praising Rowling's decision to take a stock phrase best known for being mocked in a British comedy movie and turn it into a Nazi screed. You're too easily impressed and gullible.


sickbritkid2 August 6 2015, 01:25:16 UTC
Or maybe I'm not a self-righteous, insane child who takes his opinions from other people instead of developing his own.

Also, Mass Effect as a series shows that it doesn't matter whether or not something is cliched or not, it's how the cliche is executed. And, personally, Rowling executed it well. Especially because "For the Greater Good" is perfectly fine as a motivation provided it's not for something nonsensical like Hot Fuzz...


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