Dreads n Dirt n Compost n WoW n SGI

Jun 11, 2007 13:08

Been meaning to post for awhile. I've been distracted too much by WoW, certainly, but I'm also pleased to report that I've been spending my time well in other ways.

My dreads are coming along, although I have not been giving them as much attention as I should. I washed them Thursday or Friday, but I didn't follow up with waxing. So I washed them again today and definitely will wax them before I work tomorrow. You can see some pictures of them at photobucket, but they aren't spectacular as they are self-taken. Perhaps after I rewax them Daniel will take better pics for me. I keep getting compliments, with the occasional disapproving remark.

Yesterday I finally planted seeds in my small garden on the side of the house. With Daniel's help, I've put some good work into the spot over the past few weeks. The area had been covered with mulching and plastic sheeting. Underneath was soil, but very packed down and littered with old nails, broken glass, cigarette butts, nasty old insulation, old bricks, and other unidentifiable garbage. There were also a few small slabs of cement that had apparently served as stepping stones at one time. I broke up the soil, moved a bunch of it into our wheelcart, pulled up weeds encroaching from the neighbors' yard, picking out litter and rocks as I found it. I should note that none of this was done in a day, but over the course of several weeks as I found time and energy and inclination for it. This week I mixed in a bag of topsoil, and yesterday a mixture of dehydrated cow manure and humus.  I also lined the fence side with some of the bricks I bought to help keep  weeds at bay. Daniel helped me put the stepping stones back into place and make them stable. I'm not writing this in total order of everything I did, but as it comes to mind. Even though I have just planted, I am already reaping so much from this experience. I have spent productive time outside in the sun, working with my own two hands to create something. I have interacted with my mother earth in a most intimate way, and become more familiar with her ways and her children.

Daniel's compost pile has really taken off. Over the past 4 days the temperature has risen from 82 to 132! Only last week it was about 72 and Daniel was worried it would never take off. Now he tells me it should be ready within a few days. Already he has been busy preparing to make a second one. We started collecting materials this week and yesterday he built a new container for the heap out of wire and the leftover small bricks I originally was going to build the garden with. I am very excited that he has developed such an interest in this important way of responsibly using refuse. We send much less to the dump on a personal level, and some of the leftover food from his work is also rescued and turned into something useful.

A lot of my ideas are starting to blossom, and that's really exciting. I'm developing friendships that have been forming at work into relationships that go beyond convenience. I have found a new way of thinking about my plans for the future that is helping me consolidate them as a whole. I'm not quite ready to share what I've written so far in general terms because I want to better develop it first. This week I read Living the Good Life by Helen and Scott Nearing, and it's been very inspiring and helpful in terms of "realistics". I'm also learning to be more open with who I share my conclusions with. You never know who may be able to help you further your ends.

Daniel and I are also stepping up our involvement with Nichiren Buddhism. We have both been chanting on a very regular basis, and more often together. We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the basis of our practice every morning and night. We have also been attending discussion groups and meetings of the SGI (Soka Gakkai International), which is a lay organization. Soka Gakkai means Value Creation, and it is a way for Nichiren Buddhists to support, encourage, and inspire each other.

And, yes, in WoW news for those who care, I hit lvl 40 Friday. Daniel gave me 30 gold so I'd have enough to buy my mount. Got a White Tiger. And spent pretty much the rest of my money on new abilities. Taking Donations. ;) And I have a lvl 7 Blood Elf Warlock and a level 6 Draeni Hunter, I think.

Had a good talk with my Dad online just now. Got gutsy and gave him my lj on a whim. Welcome to my Livejournal, Dad. Hope I don't shock you too much.

Summer birds are singing in my neighborhood.

wow, ideas, summer, daniel, garden, sgi, vopa

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