Hello muse. Haven't seen you in a while.

Jun 27, 2009 12:24

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about taking a stab at a writing contest. This morning, I started writing. I had forgotten how much fun it is when you have a new idea and it all seems so brilliant. I've got a few great turns of phrase, a couple of strong scenes, and a whole bunch of swirly story bits in my head right now. I have no major conflict, and only a couple of characters, but it's brilliant.

Who? check.
What? half a check.
Where? who cares.
When? dunno.
How? Umm...
Why? Er. Hm. Guess I have a bit more work to do here.

Onward to 4,000 words!

(further updates once the "work" of writing kicks in and gets me off this beginner's high)


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