Are you sure it's not still Monday?

Jun 17, 2008 15:12

I've been plagued with a headache since about midnight last night. It is Not Fun. I thought I had advil with me, but it's apparently at home. ARgh.

In happier news, summer plans roll on. Tomorrow night, my neighbor and I are going to see the Indigo Girls @ the Rialto. I haven't seen them since they came to Luther in 1994 (ish). I'm not a huge fan, but they put on a good show, so it'll be a fun way to spend an evening.

My new laptop came last week and seems to be working just fine. I haven't had a chance to sit down and import all my backed-up files from the old machine, but my existence is largely web-based, so I'm not missing much. I'm debating dressing it up w/ some stickers or...something. I've always been a bit of a purist, preferring to keep things pristine in case of resale, but I seem to be keeping my laptops until I run them into the ground, so I might as well have fun w/ 'em in the meantime. There's a Guster bumper sticker that's been sitting on my bookshelf for a long, long time. I think the new machine needs it. Maybe a NaNo sticker or three, too. We'll see :)

Finally, continuing my tradition of travelling insanely long distances to see Rush in concert, I just booked a flight to Raleigh-Durham in July. I'll be hooking up with boilerbonehead and his gf (yay, free lodging) for some sightseeing and a show. Should be awesome. I hope the humidity doesn't kill me. I'm fine w/ heat, but have never experienced 90+ degree temps + near equal humidity. We'll see how it goes. I predict many pictures of me looking wilted.

edda, are you anywhere near Raleigh? I have no sense of scale or driving distances in the east, but if you fancy a road trip, lemme know. The schedule is still pretty open, and there's this really neat looking museum exhibit on Pompeii in Charlotte. Also, our charlotte hotel is right near a movie theatre, so there could be a superhero movie screening worked in. Oh, and a Ruby Tuesday restaurant. Good times!

In general news, the summer heat is officially here, and we've got record or near record highs all this week. My boss came in earlier with a bright red face, dripping sweat. It was 106-ish then. I sucked it up and hit the track at Pima College for 3 miles of running/walking last night - it was 97 when we started, 93 when we finished (after 10pm!). They should have awards for that kind of fortitude. It's brutal.
My current running shoes are entirely worthless right now, and have moved beyond "broken down" and into "instant injury" range. Sore arches, sore joints, sore ankles. The shoes are a deathtrap and I'll be procuring a new pair this weekend. Hopefully the ankle twinges will fade with proper footwear. Runner-folk here know of which I speak. a couple more hours to look busy here @ work, and then I get to run myself ragged with errands tonight. The fun never stops ;)

Hope you're all staying happy (and out of this !@%^(* heat!).

running, general update, rush, concerts, travel

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