4 things meme

Jun 11, 2008 09:19

From zoobar:

A) 4 places I go to shop over and over:
Trader Joes. Target. Costco. That's about it, really.

B) 4 people who e-mail me regularly:
Mom. Aside from my listservs, mom's the only regular these days.

C) 4 of my favorite places to eat:
Swensen's. Mama Louisa's. Cheng's Beijing. Thunder Canyon Brewery (go, go local restaurants!)

D) 4 places I would rather be:
San Francisco. Mount Lemmon. New England (probably Mass.). At home.

E) 4 people I think will respond:
Oh, I expect to see this more than 4 times on my f-list :)

F) 4 TV shows I watch over & over:
Good Eats. Babylon 5. Firefly. No Reservations.


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