new goals, new icon, and lots of babbles about running

Sep 26, 2006 10:25

Well, I've managed to stick to the new running plan for more than a week, so I guess it's safe to talk about here now :)
First off, the icon - this is the flag that was created for my online running group, the Dead Runners Society (yes, the name is from Dead Poets Society). It's an email listserv that's been going since the early '90s. I first signed on when I was at Luther, and then again a few years ago. Since then, I've mostly lurked, but I did help organize a "world conference" here in Tucson a couple of years ago. It's a fairly large group, but mostly lurkers. I know a few of you on my flist are starting new running/fitness programs, and I'd heartily encourage you to check out DRS. There's a lot of good training advice, motivation, and inspiration to be had there. It can be a high traffic list, but so long as you're on digest, you should be fine. I might even come out of lurkerdom if I see some familiar faces there :) Sign up info is here:

Why the renewed interest in DRS? Because I'm running, of course. Nothing major - just little 1/2 mile increments, but it's more than I've done in years. I've picked my goal race - the Run Down Crime 5k on October 28th. It's on the golf course at Reid Park, and I love running on golf courses, so I've wanted to do a race there for eons. Will I be able to run a 5k by the end of October? We'll see. Right now I'm having trouble even getting out these half miles. I'll be fine for a couple of minutes, and then I hit a wall. Heart rate is ok, but my breathing is all wacky. Tucson has the WORST air :/ I might need to look into getting an inhaler again, but I'd rather see if I can tough it out first. Besides, my stupid HMO doctor needs appointments almost 3 months in advance. By then I'll either have learned to manage the exercise induced asthma (I've done well for years), or I'll need it enough to be willing to wait for that appointment.
Last night was the longest "run" to date. 2 miles on the schedule, and I did it in 1/2 mile segments with very brief breaks in between. When I was in Cross Country, we had a formula we'd use on our hard run days. We were allowed to take breaks, but only until our pulse got down to 140. Once you hit that magic number, you had to take off running again, regardless of how sore or out of breath you were. It keeps you in your aerobic training range and does a lot more good than letting yourself fully recover between sets.
Anyhoo...I did 4 half miles w/ the 140 breaks, and then another half mile or so of walking to cool down. I've been at this almost two weeks now and my achilles tendons are super tight and sore. I'm stretching and keeping tabs on them, and I think there's some subtle improvement. I'm also breaking out of the death shuffle I used to start this "running" program. I'm still going slowly - about 5 or 6 minutes per half mile - but it's forward motion. Slated for 1.5 miles on Wednesday and another 2.0 on Friday. I haven't needed to flake on a workout yet, so I think this program is going to work for me. (I think I got it from, but I can't remember - it's just a generic beginner's 5k plan). The bf's been giving this a go with me, and having company has really helped. He moans about being in terrible shape, but he's got such the runner's build. Another couple of weeks and he'll be running laps around me. You heard it here first ;)

In other news, Just over a month until NaNoWriMo. Woo-hoo!!

running, drs

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