supernatural = beat head against wall

Dec 05, 2010 16:16

Friday's episode was fucked up. Just...fucked up. Lately I've been watching it out of morbid curiosity alone, but I'm breaking up with it now. There's absolutely nothing that I find interesting and/or entertaining about the following:

1.) Men learn about women/sex through porn. The pizza man is filled with fantastic advice. Ask him how!
2.) Thinking of torturing someone? Is this someone a woman? Okay, first step: strip her naked. I know, this doesn't seem to have much of a point at first, but I promise it has everything to do with humiliation and overly sexualized violence toward a specific sex (you get one guess). Second step is to stick a knife in an orifice (you get one guess). Then have a man save her. Yay! Finished with torture scene! Okay, okay, wait. Are you thinking of torturing a man? Well, he gets to stay completely clothed and everything below the belt is off limits because torturing him might have something to do with the plot that isn't all about sex and/or humiliation. Then he'll probably save himself. Or maybe he'll be saved by divine will (see: angel). God only saves the men. Yay!
3.) So, is your female character outliving her usefulness? Is she possibly evil? (LOL! All women are evil, just give them some random cause/situation they can't help or change that your male character finds morally ambiguous and it's all the reason you need.) Are you thinking of killing her off? Is one of your male characters possibly harboring some strange desire to act on all his porn learnings from thirty minutes previous? How about you save her so male character can "have her for an hour" before you kill her? Because that's character development for him. He's learning. It's not cruel, unusual, and blatantly obvious that you have some serious issues to work out before someone gives you access to a word processor again.

I'm pretty sure there was more to be annoyed about in this episode, but those three right there are my reasons (in just this episode, because I've been gathering evidence for at least three seasons by now) for quitting this show. That, and when the show isn't horrifying me it's boring. Therefore, I'm done.

supernatural, television

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