I'm yours.

Jul 30, 2005 22:52

I don't know what it is about these Google memes, but they are SO MUCH FUN.  (Stolen from emiliap). All you do is google "Your-name is" and see what hilarity ensues.

Sara is strong, resourceful, and optimistic, and she has a way with healing

Sara is one of those girls who stand out in whatever they do, from a very young age.

Sara is one-of-a-kind in the very best sense.  Aw.

Sara is right. Yes, it is true.  Yeah it is.

Sara is extremely shy. She used to be afraid of everything, people, cats, dogs, firehydrants, the wind, mailboxes, poles, tree branches, motorcycles, bikes, rollerbladers, children, and, quite literally, her own shadow.  Wow.  Glad I got over that.

Currently, SARA is used to control the spread of Macro viruses.

Sara is my dream woman.  You know it.

The first historical mention of Sara is found in a text written in 1521 by Vincent Philippon entitled, The Legend of the Saintes-Maries.  I told you I'm old.

Frankly I am a little pissed Sara is no longer with Bad Boy. Franky, who isn't?  ;)

Sara is mad! Sara is bonkers! Sara is crazy! However, Sara is not schizophrenic.  Thanks for clearing that up.

SARA is a non-profit organization, incorporated in Ohio.

Sara is taking the academic course, acing every calculus exam.

Sara is actually a prostitute masquerading as a nun.  Hahahahahahahahahaha

Sara is “the old individual geyser.”  What does this mean?

I need to find out when my last day of work is so I can start the countdown.  Honestly you'd think my supervisor would know these things, as he's suddenly going to have one less person from one day to the next, but apparantly he is completely ignorant.  I think there is a conspiracy to NEVER LET ME LEAVE.  I've really had enough of this heat though.  Someone remind me why I thought it'd be okay to hang out in giant unairconditioned factories in the middle of summer?

I do have the countdown going for back to cwru; that one's at 28 days now.  It's not much of a step up from giant unairconditioned factories to unairconditioned dorm rooms, but I'll take what I can get.  At least classes will be nice (did I say that?  yeah okay I so did).

I had a Chimichanga out of the Wheel of Death for lunch yesterday.  It was mighty tasty.

I also finally reupgraded my account, so I have all my user pictures back whee!  Except of course now I'm feeling rather blah about most of them.  I suppose I can survive until I get back.  If I get really desperate I can just go steal some off of Sirius.  I'm going to have to like, keep up with my April Whateverdatethatwas resolution as well now to keep updating even when my life is boring and consumed by factories.
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