Never had to knock on wood

Jun 20, 2005 13:02

Orange is your Lightsaber color.

Orange represents energy and enthusiasm. It also
symbolizes strength and endurance. People with
orange lightsabers are curious about life, and
the world around them. Fascination catches them
at every turn, and they are creative enough to
understand life's potential.

What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla


I totally just realized that I need to start rereading Harry Potter since like, hello book six in 25 days.  So I totally just spent like 20 minutes deciding how many days to spend on each book and how many chapters to read a day and when to do the reading.  Which is really nerdy, and I've sort of been missing the nerdy side of myself, so it's all right.

I do not want to go to work like, at all right now.  I totally regret working those five hours on Saturday morning because they ate my weekend and then I could never catch up on sleeping, and just yes.  Although I'm sure I will write a post on Friday being all "AHH MY PAYCHECK.  OVERTIME RULES MY WORLD."  But seriously, not worth the $13 an hour to stand there like a zombie with a bunch of people I didn't know putting boards on.  Although it pretty much rocked my world when one of the folders came over and was like "can you give me an F2?" and then she handed me the one I put on and it was like ATROCIOUSLY BAD WITH THIS GIANT CHIP OUT OF THE CENTER and I was like "....oh."  And then she walked away and I cracked up for like a thousand years.

Afterwards was fun though.  Amy and I went to Fort Wayne, and while she never managed to park correctly, we like, had amazing shopping times, what with our Borders coupons and the giant moving sale at Joann Fabrics.  It was awesome.

And er, that's really all the excitement that makes up my life.  Blah.
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