and then, your honor...

Jul 01, 2005 12:34

that's when I killed her.

The intern has been on the phone for thirty five minutes, eating Doritos and giggling. It's driving me bats. Am I even allowed to say anything to her about talking on the phone if she's on her lunch hour? It's the office phone. I don't talk on the phone for more than five minutes unless nobody's here to see it. Her creepy audacity freaks me out. And this morning, she asks me all meeklike, "Can I run across the street to get a soda, or would you prefer I wait until my lunch break?" And, "can I sit in a chair while I work on the filing, or do you want me to stand up the whole time?" like I'm The Man.

I wish the boss would come back, but he's out goofing off with his wife. I have no work ethic when it comes to this place, as I've proven time and again. I've been systematically trying to get fired from this job for THREE FLIPPIN' YEARS! Wednesday, we got a new server installed in the office, and the corporate computer tech dude had to come down here. He's been flirting with me in a ITS guy sort of way for a couple years. He was sitting at my desk working on my computer and I was sitting in one of the customer chairs in front of him doing something to look busy, and he starts talking about pan handlers in the city and how they must have no self esteem. I said, "From what I can tell, there are plenty of insurance people who are in the same boat." It's totally true. These people all would sell their souls if the commission was high enough.

She's Still On The F*ing Phone!!! Forty Five Minutes!

Countdown to submitting my resignation: 11 days.
Coutdown to getting the eff out of here: 30 business days.


She's still on the phone, making it an even one hour PLUS she's also talking on her cell phone at the same time. Shit you not. Still giggling, no more Doritos.
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