Apr 10, 2018 22:38

Tue Apr 10 22:38:33 EDT 2018

I've never liked "instant messaging". It's just as disruptive as the phone. More disruptive, because most of the people at the other end are either slow typers, or slow thinkers, or both. Not only is my work interrupted, but I sit there a long time waiting for the next response.

I seem to type a lot faster than most of my co-workers. I don't think it's because I took a typing class (in summer school/HS). I don't think it's because I play piano. I think anybody who's been using a keyboard for 5 years or more should be fairly proficient with it, even without "classes". I can't understand why everybody else is so slow. (Yes, I do think I'm "special", but I don't think my typing is an expression of that.)

I would think that if you're contacting me, you should already know what you want to say - at least to start with; my responses might send things in a different direction for you. But you should have already formed your initial question(s) before you ask for my attention.

And to complain both ways, Jabber doesn't always disrupt my work - sometimes there's no pop-up nor chime when someone starts a chat. (Maybe it's resuming an inactive chat?) I sometimes notice a change in the taskbar 5 minutes - or 30 minutes - after someone wanted me. (Not disturbing me is even worse than disturbing me.)

[This entry was originally posted as on Dreamwidth (where there are


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