holiday weekend

Sep 03, 2017 15:44

Sun Sep 3 15:44:23 EDT 2017

The sun came out about 13:00. Saturday was mostly rain, from Hurricane tropical depression Harvey passing through, and the morning was still overcast.

anniemal and OkCupid-buddy Brian are at the hippie farm, and I've got the house to myself.
I've been posting DW/LJ entries from May 2013.

I took the back wheel off the bike and tightened the cassette lockring - it holds the cluster of sprockets in place. Surprisingly, it already seemed to be snug, so it seems I mostly did the job with needle-nosed pliers on the road Friday night. (For the curious, Sheldon Brown's website has photos for Cassette Removal/Installation showing the lockring.)

I wanted to sit on the deck to continue DW/LJ posting, but I had trouble finding a box fan. It's not hot out, but moving air is an attempt to thwart mosquitoes. I eventually spotted one in a (closed) window, so now I've got a good breeze to sit in. I later found another fan out on the deck with other stuff piled on it; I don't know how long it's been outdoors, nor whether it's safe to use after exposure to weather. (We seem to go through a lot of box fans. Is Annie falling on them when she's drunk?)

Monday 02:01

I've made 48 DW/LJ postings today, from 2013/05/10 through 2013/07/04. I had to clear out some tags that had 1 (or zero) entry; there's more tag cleanup that should happen (and should carry over to LiveJournal, deleting any tags there that are gone from Dreamwidth.)

Monday 16:56

anniemal and Brian are back from Stones Rising at the hippie farm.

Monday 18:29

Annie wants to know why I didn't put the trash and recycling bins out last night for today's pickup. Because I didn't know anyone had put the trash in the bins before they left for the farm. No, I didn't think to look in the bins. (No one happens to go past these bins. There's so much stuff in the carport that the bins are reached by a (barely) bin-wide path.) Since (as always) she left later than planned, it never occurred to me that she might have found the time to put the trash in the bins.

They left around 14:00 Friday and had bad traffic - holiday-weekend leaving-work-early get-out-of-town traffic.

Monday 20:02

I'm still out on the deck, posting 2013 DW/LJ entries. I took a break to mow (most of) the front yard.
The full moon is impressive tonight. (It's just cleared our carport. I don't have a camera at hand.)

There was a full moon at Pennsic. Has it been that long already?

Tuesday 00:27

I posted 18 DW/LJ entries today, from 2013/07/06 to 2013/07/24 (Pennsic XLII - Wednesday, Peace Week). The Pennsic entries are a lot more work, combining info from Linux and Android (Kindle), putting the class schedule into a table, and adding photos. And 4 years later, I'm sometimes guessing about which classes I took when there were conflicts.

[This entry was originally posted as on Dreamwidth (where there are

trash, home, dw, rain, biking, pennsic, holidays, weather, anniemal, lj, 4qf

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