Someone pulled up next to me this evening and said he was amazed by how fast my bike is. I told him "I'm not even in good shape." Actually, I guess I am in pretty good shape for someone my age, but I expect my age would have amazed him too. I think he was behind me going around Washington Circle (Pennsylvania Ave, New Hampshire Ave, and 23rd St, with K St underneath). I can make the lights coming in from Penna westbound and going out K if there's no cars in my way. More often there are cars, confused about which lane to be in (wanting to get out of the circle) and slowing everybody else down. But tonight I zipped through, and he followed.Are they all [meaning recumbents] that fast?
They were banned from competition!
Of course, they're not all that fast, just as conventional bikes have serious racing models and dozens of other types that are more practical for various purposes. My 'bent isn't a racing bike. There's bikes that are lighter and more aerodynamic. My bike is a blast for commuting and will be excellent for touring - with the hidden benefit of folding and avoiding baggage surcharges for planes, trains, buses, etc (and fitting easily into cars).
Feeling chuffed at having seriously impressed a driver, I continued home at a hard pace, and did the whole trip in less than an hour. This is taking my longest route, and there's a lot of hill to go up going home.
anniemal and OkCupid-buddy Brian bought a new printer today. Never mind that we already had a new, unused printer/scanner. It didn't work when they tried it before because the ink had "expired". Did anyone think to buy fresh ink?What kind of ink does it take?
I don't know. I didn't open the box and try to use it. Look at the cartridges! (Or the manual.)
No, they bought another printer.
It's really annoying when the people around you don't understand simple solutions to simple problems.
It would help if people were sober when they were given the simple solutions....
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