Mon Jun 1 13:13:58 EDT 2015
I'm going to bike to work today, although there are negative indicators....Hazardous Weather Conditions
Flash Flood Watch in effect from June 1, 12:00 PM EDT until June 2, 06:00 AM EDT
Hazardous Weather Outlook
There's not much on the RADAR now, and the evening forecast is a moving target. If it's really bad, I can always take the Metro home.
I didn't make it to 400 miles last month; only 391. I could have ridden another 9 miles yesterday, but my riding was mostly for getting to places I needed to be; it displaced driving or public transit (consuming petroleum or electricity).
Monday 21:12
A thunderstorm came through this afternoon - not that I'd have any clue, down in the basement. Then the RADAR showed a large gap in the precip, and a nearby webcam showed some blue sky; seemed like a good time to leave. I decided to go through Georgetown and take Key Bridge and paved trails through Arlington, since the towpath was probably muddy. It started raining - hard - just before I got to Georgetown. I'm soaked; the bike is washed; the big blinker seems to be effective.
Tuesday 22:50
It rained a lot today, and it's supposed to rain all week. (There's flood warnings too.)
I worked from home today. The day started with a 10:30 meeting that was actually quite productive. We were discussing the problem over the weekend that kept me from getting to the FSGW Folk Festival Sunday as early as I'd intended. (I didn't get there at all Saturday, after working all night Friday.)
Wednesday 22:11
I biked to work today. It was drizzly both ways, but it wasn't raining. I took the all-paved route, which includes the little "impossible" hill, which I rode up unceremoneously.
Coming home, I made some lights I rarely make, and just missed another that might have let me get all the way through Georgetown non-stop. I think I am faster on this bike.
A surprising number of drivers still do not want to move into the empty passing lane when they see a blinker in front of them - and it's a damn-big blinker now. (I guess that's an incentive to get another light mounted, to the back of my seat, so I can have two damn-big blinkers going.
Saturday 17:20
I biked to work 4 days this week, and worked from home Tuesday. I think I've taken the Metro to/from work once since I got the new bike. I rode up the little "impossible" hill Wed/Thu/Fri. (I haven't been on the canal towpath since Monday.) It rained most of the week, stopping mid-day Friday. It's been sunny since this afternoon. Lawnmowing all through the neighborhood (including here).
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