Jim Hill[14:30] A pivot pin fell out of my rear derailleur on my way to work today. (I decided to bike, even though I gave blood.) I looked in the street to find it, but I couldn't. I don't think I could have made the repair on the road anyway, but repairs are possible if you have all the pieces. (It might not be something bike shops carry, since I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to fall out and get lost in the first place. Having to buy a new derailleur would suck.) Since anniemal was drunk, she was in no shape to come pick me up. And since she still hasn't gotten the van fixed ("security" system problem), we didn't have a good way to carry the bike home anyway. I called a for cab; told them I had a large, non-standard bike. They sent a minivan, and the bike went in easily with the rear and mid seats folded down. Took the bike home, changed my clothes, and drove to work, and was only about an hour late.
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