I thought my problems using
iJournal on the road were networking problems, but after I got back I was still having trouble with iJournal here at home. I was able to post only one journal entry with it tonight, and that required restarting iJournal. I couldn't coax it into posting any more entries. Sooo, I started looking around for other LJ Clients.
Clients for
Mac usersClients for
other OSesI'm now using
Xjournal. It seems to do everything iJournal did (or, at least, everything I did with iJournal). It's got some additional features, and it posts my entries.
So much for getting to bed early tonight. And I've still got lots of photos to upload (although I noticed tonight that one entire day's photos are missing from the camera downloads -- and the sequentially-numbered folder names don't allow for their existence, so I must have screwed up that night). Back to the office tomorrow. I'll have to go in late Tuesday, to be here to meet the Comcast tech scheduled to check out the weak signal.