back to bike

Mar 24, 2020 16:49

Tue Mar 24 16:49:02 EDT 2020

I haven't been biking much. My last commute ride was Monday 3/9. My next ride was a short trip (with the trailer) for groceries Friday 3/13. And nothing since then until today. Just a ride for its own sake, to no place in particular. Out the Washington & Old Dominion trail, the ride that needs no planning. I figured 45 minutes out and then turn around, and I should be back in time for work.

That got me to bikes@vienna, the shop where I bought the bike. They're not open on Tuesdays, but I wasn't shopping anyway. It was a couple of blocks off the W&OD, and a notable place to turn around. 17mi (27.4km) total, the same as my shortest commute route. The trail was busier than I expected. Not as busy as summer weekends. Perhaps many people working from home have some flexibility about their breaks, and squeeze in a ride or a walk.

Arlington has closed its parks, but the trails (49 miles (79km)) are still open. I joined the trail farther west, in Falls Church. There were many new signs covered up in Fairfax County; I suspect those parks are closing (or having some kind of restrictions) soon too.
There were kids out with parents, and my bike got a few "Wow"s. The bike is cool. I did see another recumbent heading west on my way back.

I don't know whether riding before work will become a regular thing. How early I can get to sleep will be a major factor. Tomorrow's forecast is rain. Thursday should be nicer, and then more days of rain.

I've been trying to eat less because I'm obviously burning far fewer calories without my commute.

Thursday 11:28

I had given up on going for a ride today, but my meeting at 13:00 just got moved to Monday.

Thursday 14:26

OK, 22.90mi (36.85km) today. Out the W&OD trail past Vienna to Hunter Mill Rd, and back. Still lots of people out, biking, running, walking. Probably some of them would be doing that anyway. And maybe some are working from home and taking a break for sunshine and fresh air. Quite a few are school aged, so maybe tired of being at home.

I probably should have breakfast before 20-mile rides.

Friday 16:00

I went for another ride today. I didn't have as much time, and I didn't really have a plan. I ended up going down George Mason Drive (most of my commute for Ad Hoc Singers rehearsals) to Four Mile Run, near the beginning of the W&OD trail (Shirlington). Then turning west on the W&OD to Sycamore St and the East Falls Church Metro station, and then taking Sycamore and Williamsburg Blvd home. 11.72mi (18.86km), half of yesterday's ride. There was a little bit of rain.

In terms of exposure to infection, I think I'd be much safer on the streets than the trails. There were a lot of people out riding, running, walking, walking dogs. In places it was congested. Arlington has signs up saying the trails are closed to groups. There were lots of singles and pairs/couples and families out. [This entry was originally posted as on Dreamwidth (where there are

weight, exercise, biking, health, groceries, jobs, pandemics, food, work, arlington, commute, kids

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