Just back from my Dad's 83rd birthday party

Oct 02, 2010 21:36

It was at Alison's (his new girlfriend's) house, it being much bigger than his own, and through my brother who's secretary of the London Charity Orchestra he had found a violinist and pianist to play the Franck Piano Sonata. So we started with a drink, then had the music - they were really brilliant, everyone was riveted - and then lunch. A smashing occasion and Dad had a lovely time.

My brother has both made it, and Dad's brother and sister-in-law, and two or three cousins. But most of the guests were friends from the locality. Dad has made a deliberate effort to get out and make new friends, and has created a circle of some very nice and interesting people, which is really great.

It made me feel a bit queer, though, talking to Dad's friends and realising that most of them had never met my mother. He's obviously talked about her a lot, and they get that she was somebody really special, but to them she's a legend, hearsay. Don't get me wrong, of course I'm delighted he has new friends and a new life; I really am. But it makes her seem more completely dead than  I've ever felt her to be.

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