Aug 13, 2010 12:07

M and I were sitting in our garden a couple of days ago, saying to each other that we really must haul the fig tree back and attach it to the garden wall - it was obviously planted to be an  espalier, but because it's never been attached to the wall it's sagging forward and getting in the way. It really ought to have been severely pruned this spring - it has been putting all its energy into the ends of its branches which are getting longer and longer but it has no leaves at all anywhere else. But because it had suffered so much all winter having cement chucked over it and so on, I decided not to subject it to any more trauma then, and it's due to be cut back in the autumn.

Anyway, it's covered with tiny figs that are clearly never going to amount to anything. But M suddenly said "Do you realise that there are two whacking big ones? They look ripe!" I looked and so they were - really big, about 5 inches long, and so ripe they had just started to split. I've just eaten one and it was as sweet and gloopy as you could want a fig to be. What do you know! I never expected to eat a fig off my own tree.

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