Rotten Kitten

Jun 15, 2008 14:05

So, thanks to a certain extremely rotten kitten, I am now completely out of phone chargers.

She actually chewed through the last one about 5 minutes after I plugged my almost-dead phone into it. She was two feet away from me while I was trying to get beck to sleep. I opened my eyes about 3 seconds too last.

I gave her what-for, and three minutes later she was trying to reach up on my bedside stand (it's a trunk) to get the cord to gnaw on it some more. I yelled again, swatted her rotten little butt, and hid the cord.

Anyways! I don't have a phone charger. I figure this is a sign, since I was looking at getting a new phone and switching carriers anyways. My plan is to do the whole "play them against each other" thing so I can get the kind of plan I want. No more paying for billions of minutes I don't use, no matter how cheap those billions of minutes are.

And then I am going to use all these dead chargers (we are up to FOUR now) and hog-tie my kitten*. I figure if she associates cords with unhappiness, she might sty away from the things. And then I am going to get something unpleasant to put on all my charger cords ever.

Oh! Also! I am pretty much going to be keeping my phone on silent and not doing anything with it until something happens. Like, I won't be answering it or twittering on it or anything. And if anyone texts me and I don't reply, it's probably because my phone is dead, because it's been crying of low battery all morning.

*I probably won't actually do this. Probably.

hawking, anger, cats

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