Yesterday was the release date of Duran Duran's new album, Red Carpet Massacre. Yay for rock stars!
And speaking of rock stars, I noticed that the contingent at Bailey's Taproom last night had enough rock stars to be a band in itself. I can imagine this now--Randall (of Railer) on vocals and guitars,
almosteric on guitars,
_devoid_ on bass,
thedr9wningman on drums,
deprivation and myself on keyboards,
beddove on violins, and
istar on flute. I think we would collectively make a bad-ass band, if I may say so myself!
The beer and company last night were awesome, as usual. Today seems like a letdown by comparison. I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning to the sound and the sight of power lines sparkling violently on Stark Street, right outside my window. Three hours of blackout followed. Thankfully I had my computer plugged into an UPS device, so I had time to gracefully turn off the machine. I went back to sleep, and woke up later in the morning, to the sound of repair crew fixing the power lines. Thankfully the power outage lasted only 4 hours, and my Ciao Bella sorbets are safe in my freezer.
I am extremely elated that I am working on music again. I feel very rejuvenated. I started a new sequence yesterday called "Acoustic Friends" (yes, it is a Gary Numan stylistic rip-off). Viva le Tar Plains!