It's been a while since I've posted photos in here, hasn't it? Or anything, for that matter. So here are the rest of my summer photos, before I move on organising for the autumn and the school year. :)
Blackberries! Very delicious.
I love this lighting.
More of my roses.
oh, those good ol' summer days.
Sunflower look-alikes in summer sun.
With a dinky digital camera, these shots were ridiculously hard to get. But, a bee!
Movement, clarity.
Tea samples!
Modern teapots.
A nice collection of coloured roses.
My Holga! You'll see photos I've taken with Matilda soon. :)
A nice-looking weed.
My friend's an excellent model, don't you think?
We had so much fun taking these. *grins*
Bonjour, une petite fille.
Another photo with a bee, which you can spot if you look closely ...
Since getting back to Seattle and school, I have a lot more photos that I'd love to post! Look for another photo post soon. :)