I saw Indiana Jones (and spoilers ensue)...

May 27, 2008 23:02

There was once a time when I would have liked to see Harrison Ford topless, if not buck nekkid. That time has passed. So it was with great trepidation that M and I handed over our moolah to see the new Indy flick.

Aliens?!? Fucking ALIENS?!? Ten years of kicking scripts around and this is what we get. Aliens. Why oh why couldn't they just leave it at "The Last Crusade"? Our heroes ride bravely off into the sunset, the world is safe, and Harrison is still of an age to do believable stunt work. I'm sorry, but my dad spends his days reading history books and watching TV. He's a bit old to be chasing after villains who are less scary than CGI created flesh-eating ants. I know its a movie and all, but the 60-year-old superhero is not believable anymore. Frank Miller pushed that concept to the limits in "The Dark Knight Returns", but he heavily emphasized the Dark Knight's age throughout. Speaking of which...

I finally saw the full trailer for "The Dark Knight". Holy shit, Batman, it looks like a good movie! As always, Christian Bale exerts that kind of self-satisfied supercilious attitude which makes him the ultimate Batman. Aaron Eckhart will be an excellent Harvey Dent. He's completely grasped the intricacies of the character which so eluded Tommy Lee Jones. And Heath Ledger...where to begin? Like many fans, I was skeptical. Nay, even doubtful. "Casanova" was a great flick, but could this guy really be the Joker? Hellz yeah! I got so excited over the preview I almost broke M's arm (or so he says). Wow. You could truly see this guy taking over Arkham and torturing guards just to kill the time. Sadly, this incredible performance is marred by the fact that Ledger is dead. Hum. So...who else wants to see Johnny Depp fill the part, just for the hell of it? (He made a great Sweeney, horrific atonal score notwithstanding.)

Back to Indy for a moment, I'd like to bitch about the brief marriage thing. Indy's had a girl per movie so far (although he didn't nail the brunette commie, a first), but he still loves his first? And she just goes right back to him after one argument and some quicksand? Does any woman really do this? (Tragically, they probably do.) Grrr. Anyway. Skip the Jones, or rent it. Shiver with antici...pation for "The Dark Knight". Be bewildered by mentions of a new X-Files movie (wtf already?). Go buy Sweeney Todd. Have sex with a large snake. Drink a lot and think Beyonce is a good singer. Whatever.
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