* Reply to this post with the word MEME and I will pick six of your icons.
* Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
* Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
* This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
If you don't know the illustrations of James Jean, you should really go and look at his
website and, even better in my opinion, his blog
process recess. Jean is an amazing contemporary artist who is probably best known for his work on the Fables comic covers. I've recently heard that he is no longer accepting many (any?) commercial commissions and plans to move towards fine art, and in all honestly that makes me so sad, because his work is just so suited for classic storytelling. But I look forward to seeing what comes of it.
Anyway! This icon was made from a piece of his that was, I belieeeeve, commissioned by Prada. Prada has also used some sketchier compositions of his as murals in their stores, which I think just proves that they are indeed men of wealth and taste.
Man I don't. Even remember. Okay, so this is PRETTY OBVIOUSLY ABOUT CFUD, NO? But in the interests of full disclosure, this is Ryuuken (from Bleach), as taken from a throwaway panel in an Isshin/Ryuuken doujinshi. It is kind of awesome, because Isshin is like, on top of him and he just looks like he's bored now. So I shopped in three or four horrible things that he could be saying in that moment, and this was one of them. Because Rikuou/Ryuuken is my forever girl. And it makes me laugh. And
hitode die a little.
Clearly the theme of this post is 'some panels just cry out to me.' This is Tatsumi from Yami no Matsuei, and he is looking disapproving! In the past, the text read "Tsuzuki-san, I am not beef," but now it is about Hitler! Both of these are direct quotes from conversations that
kagekachou and
cake_and_death have had in... you guessed it,
campfuckudie. This one was on the subject of Hitler being banned in camp, which was especially relevant to Tsu and Tat's interests considering they had just deaged to a 1942 mentality.
I think I used one of Tatsumi's icons for a base, actually.
I forget where I found this particular photo, but have always loved hedgehogs. Usually I call them hedgepigs, which I understand to be more British, and for some reason is even funnier because of it. When I was younger, my little sister and I planned to open a hedgepiggery when we grew up. I am not sure what this would have entailed, but I bet it would have been a more successful and fullfilling job than the one I have right now. In the meantime, my family usually gives me at least one stuffed hedgehog a year, if not more.
This is actually the angriest icon I have, which is bad. And the cutest, which is good! So basically I try to act ticked at people on this journal and they just d'awww at me.
Sinfest is one of... maybe five comics that I read religiously. (The others are Friendly Hostility, Penny and Aggie, Sore Thumbs, and Girl Genius. edit OH AND
beatonna! REC ME MORE WEBCOMICS, GUYS.) Slick and Nique are my OTP of unexpected adorableness, mostly because they do things like this.
....I don't have much to say about this icon though. I just use it when I'm chilling.
This is a screencap from the music video for My Chemical Romance's Helena. I only know maybe three MCR songs, but YES I LIKE THEM >( Mostly though I was impressed with the aesthetic of the video, which I saw in the cafeteria of my then-college back in the day, and just stuck with me. (Although, actually, I think
this is a better video... if you like The Sims 2)
This is also kind of my dance icon in general. I took ballet for almost all of my child/teenhood, and loved dancing on point, so the broken ballerina vibe makes me ♥