Nov 12, 2014 21:45
So, things were going well. I managed to get into a rhythm with dilating and the sensitivity stopped being a problem, I started to be more mobile and things started to get better in general. Then, slowly, things got worse. I got more tired, the big dilator I tried went from being successful to being outright painful and everything collapsed on me.
Just before it did, I prepared a sample of urine for an urinary tract infection, because the feelings in me were becoming more indicative of this. I delivered it in person to the medical centre on a Tuesday. By Saturday, I was going to the out of hours doctor's surgery in the hospital A&E. There, a really nice doctor saw me and confirmed a possible UTI. She was very nice and I think she was really interested in the ins and outs of gender reassignment surgery, so the fact that she got to look at me and listen to me talk about it seemed to be pretty cool for her, which was why I had a good visit. It also turned out I had some fissures (or cuts) due to the large dilator (probably). She advised me to lay off the sex, which, to be honest, I wasn't doing. But the net result was that she prescribed me a week's worth of powerful antibiotics, designed to take out both the UTI and any possible spreading infection, as she said tenderness in the back of my kidneys could have been that.
I'm now five days into the regime and starting to feel much better. My mother also got me an intermediate dilator and there's a cushion with a hole in it winging its way through the internet. Things seem to be generally heading in an upwards direction again. This is good.