Jun 04, 2011 07:17
Since my mind is pre-occupied with so much, I decided that it would relax it if I went through the expanded definition for the neoliberalism article I have written and started to put references in.
It's been proving very useful so far, but it's also frustrating, because I've constructed a narrative that's drawn from things I've read and also from piecing together things I've learnt. In the former case, I can't always remember where I acquired that particular piece of knowledge, and sometimes I remember, put it's some long-forgotten article I read in the IHT or some other newspaper, which I'll probably never find.
In the later case, I can't always seem to find references to support my position, but it's so frustrating because the information has to be there, since there's this perfect shaped hole in all the other information I have where this info should be. I'm not entirely sure about this, but I also find it interesting as an exploration of bias. It seems that some information is much more freely available than other information, and there should be something interesting one can piece together from this.
At the moment, I'm looking for any information that links neoliberalism to conservatism. Not neoconservatism, I have to stress. But conservatism itself. I need to express why the conservative party in the UK (as well as in other places) adopted a view espoused by and derived from the Liberal movement in the 1970s. It's obvious why, from reading Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty, but I need concrete sources detailing this with specifics on what happened and why, and far too many sources get confused by the differences inside the neoliberal movement to be any good.