I recently installed the Firefox Xmarks plugin.
Xmarks allows you to keep your bookmarks synchronised across different browsers on different computers. I thought I'd give it a go as my dad was talking about it (well, he was talking about Foxmarks, which was its predecessor), and I've been finding myself wanting access to my bookmarks across different computers. Bookmarks never used to bother me, but now they do, and I lost the last set when Asphodel died, so I'm not making that mistake again.
I've also installed Visual C++ 2010 Express so I can get back into developing for FreeOrion again. I nearly completed my first patch, which would have changed the way fleets were named so that they reflected their contents. The patch was nearly approved and I'd like to finish it. I need to add internationalisation stuff and change some references. I've also installed it on Robinton, as it took forever to compile anything on Asphodel. I hope it speeds things up, as doing it before was a pain.
One of the things that prompted the bookmarks is that, last week, while I needed something to distract myself from other things, I decided to just try and write an in depth definition of neoliberalism for Wikipedia. I managed to get quite far, but the whole subject is a pain. Do you know that neoliberalism is so ill defined because it's so bloody hard to define? Aargh, well you do now. There are several mutually exclusive sets of ideas that characterise themselves as neoliberalism, and trying to get them into a properly scholarly article is very hard. But it exercises my brain, and I'm becoming more of an expert on the subject. I'm finding lots of useful sources on the internet, and I'm reading Hayek's work which is proving very useful. However, if any of you know any good sources, would you mind telling me them? If you don't, then why not tell me what you understand about the term? If nothing else, it'd be fascinating to see the breadth of popular opinion, and it might demonstrate my point about it being so ill defined.
Finally, I've been playing Mass Effect again, this time with a Sentinel character. It's been fun playing the game from a more "magic" type character (i.e. you have to use skills and abilities more than pointing a weapon at someone and hurting them). What's not been fun is that I set it to Hardcore difficulty. When I replayed the game with my high level character on Veteran, it was still quite easy, so I figured Hardcore would be not too much trouble. But it is. Horrible lots of trouble. It's all because by starting the game again with my first character at level thirty-something, I had lots of good equipment that made the initial part of the game very easy. Now I don't, I'm not getting any money, any good kit and I'm replaying every battle many times. The worst was going up against the Krogan on the plot mission in Artemis Tau. That took me over 30 attempts. *facepalm*