I'd caution you not to read the comments on these two articles because some of them are pretty infuriating.
Still, both articles illustrate something I did actually think about before starting nursing school: Nurses get beat up on the job. Sometimes it's by patients with mental disorders or under the influence of drugs and alcohol. But other times it's simply by disgruntled patients or worse, disgruntled family members. And it happens more than you think -- assault on nurses is severely under-reported because many nurses fear for their jobs if they speak out. Speaking out will cost the hospital money, and in an environment of hiring freezes and budget cuts, anyone who costs the hospital money will find herself out on her ass.
I think it's deplorable that people think it's OK to assault nurses because they as patients aren't getting the healthcare they want. If that's your beef, go assault an insurance company exec or a politician. Keep your hands off nurses. We're the ones that keep the doctors from killing you, after all. :p
Bitten, shot, spat on: Violence in hospitals common for staff Increasingly, nurses facing violence on the job I'm too tired to really work up a good head of steam about how angry this makes me. And I'd be wrong to say I'm not scared as well. But you do what you gotta do, and I am going to be a nurse, so I'm just going to have to learn to prevent it from happening to me. That and maybe start up those Krav Maga lessons I've been meaning to sign up for.