nO oNe eVeR sA!d iT wAs Go!nG tO bE eAsY...

Jan 12, 2005 18:04

if you had the chance to see God's plan for your life (like, before you lived it) -the good, bad, your highest and lowest points- would you still follow it thru?

-i'm tired of ppl making such huge deals out of nothing.
-i'm tired of moms trying to get into our buisness.
-i'm tired of all this uneccesary drama.
-i'm tired of school.
-i'm tired of thinking.
-i'm tired of running this race and feeling like i'm losing at it.
-i'm tired of having to decide about swimming.
-i'm tired of thinking about school for next year.
-i'm tired of our homeschool group.
-i'm tired of backstabbers
-i'm tired of really sheltered kids.
-i'm tired of being confused.
-i'm tired of hypocrites.
-i'm tired of thinking "what if?"
-i'm tired of always worrying over stupid stuff.
-i'm tired of trying to please people.
-i'm tired of parents being everywhere, like making sure we don't do something wrong.
-i'm tired of wishing i was closer to God, when i just need to sit my butt down and talk to him.
-i'm tired of people who think they have to know EvErYtHiNg about EvErYtHiNg.
-i'm tired of feeling as if i can't really be myself infront of certain ppl.
-i'm tired of having the same routine everyday.
-i'm tired of waiting for feb 21!! :)
-i'm tired of typing "i'm tired of...", i'm gonna stop. God bless you if you actually took the time to read of my tiredness.

all that i just said kinda made me sound all sad and in a bad mood, but i'm really not. i just felt like getting that stuff out. anyways, i never said merry Christmas or Happy New year... so, even tho it's kinda late.. i hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and a fUn new year... i know i did. haha.
today lindsay and i went to walmart. we had on these cowboy hats that were way to little and had a sword fight in the middle of the toy isle while looking for tierras. ..anddd then we ran into my uncle. hAhAhA.

-Onward! Through the fog!
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