I woke up at 3 AM today to see the night sky lit up like a fucking christmas tree and made very little of it because I usually see strange things when I'm comatose. A few hours later I find out that a propane factory went up in flames 14 kilometers away. That. Is FAR away. So you can imagine the size of the fire.
http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_25611.aspx Before I even bothered to turn on the news I googled the bloody thing and inevitably theres piles of camera phone pictures and youtube videos of cars and cats on fire. (not cats were harmed in the explosion because cats have superpowers)
Exhibit A:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-5WQbx-dzA SO
Why am i reiterating the news everyone already has access to?
Because THIS motherfucker and the dozen others making similar comments need to have their livers dug out with a grapefruit spoon.
THAT is the fucking reason I can't watch the news on TV and would rather google university zine articles on it 5 days after the fact. And that is the reason why sensationalist journalism has fucked every newspaper and tv network's objectivity and credibility beyond repair.
Art can imitate life. However shitty and far fetched it may be, a movie CAN have factual roots beneath heavy embellishment. "Based on a true story". "Inspired by". Etc etc.
Having a grain of truth at its core provides feasible grounds to COMPARE a work of fiction to reality. You use the documented encounter as the yardstick by which you measure the success of a director and his/her motion picture.
Cloverfield was strictly a work of fiction. I havent seen the movie i just saw previews and figured I'd spare myself the headache.
Why do people look at something that's happening now, today, right here to a fucking movie??? Why do people enjoy this, why do they lap it up?!! Because guess what, the media feed have picked up on it and they shape every fucking news cast to sound LIKE an episode out of CSI or Miami Vice or the fucking Powerpuff Girls. So suddenly theres no more ACCIDENTS theyre always incidents. There's always a fucking story. There's always more to it that must be bled dry for every fucking cop show reference it has.
Don't take me wrong, I'm not taking a piss on INVESTIGATIVE journalism. There's no such thing anymore on any channel you can tune into. There's SENSATIONAL journalism. There's kittens stuck in fucking trees that according to Nostradamus are foreshadowing the end of the fucking world.
THIS is why when Queen street went up in flames, CP24 was reporting "rumours that a methlab had exploded". Because thats what everyone wants to fucking hear. Thats the way it always is right? The kids with green hair and their crazy clubs are always druggy pissholes. So it makes sense to the public ear that their stores would go up in chemical flames. Thats poetic justice right.
And of course the TV network invested all of 15 seconds to apologize for the misinformation. "Fire investigation underway", and a week later it was entirely dropped from the news. Out of sight out of mind.
The point, before i go any further off topic.
I always figured there was a neon orange 10" wide line between contemporary truth and fiction. If you remember it, you can probably discern factual information from a shitty movie. Yet I've begun to notice trust in personal memory is slowly eroding in favour of alternative sources of recollection, books, movies, tv shows etc. When we rely on external aides-memoires to construct our reality they bloody well better be accurate, objective re-tellings or else we wind up down the rabbit hole having tea with the fucking queen.
THAT is why it's critical that we know the difference between TRUTH and FICTION. But then some of us suddenly start drawing parallels between completely unrelated encounters like Cloverfield and a propane explosion. And the ambulance chasing/fire truck humping/tree-cat stalking media gurus figure WAIT THEY LIKE THIS SHIT? WELL FUCK US THEN, ROLL THE EMBELLISHMENT TAPE PLZ.
And the next thing you know, we live in a world of baby terrorists, epic police raids on meth labs in children's daycare and radioactive squirrels from Mars.
Well FINE THEN. If we're gonna pretend we live in a hollywood production WHERE THE FUCK IS JOHN MCCLAIN.
Now there's your universal solution to propane explosions, drug busts and kittens stuck in fucking trees.
PS. im still half a sleep, eat a dick.