Title: Juice Boxes
Rating: G
Fandom: BLEACH
Character(s): Kuchiki Rukia, Kurosaki Ichigo
Word Count: 432
Summary: Rukia returns after being in Soul Society. She had been practicing on how to open juice boxes in her time away.
Author's Note: Meme prompt from the A-Z drabble meme for
shotgunmadness who is the Ichigo to my Rukia.
He wasn’t sure what compelled him to wake up so early in the morning and head to school. But in any case, the teenager did. And all he had to do was walk in his homeroom to figure out why he had done so.
So she was back. Ichigo honestly didn’t expect to see her again. But there she was, sitting in the windowsill. The classroom was empty and the only sound was the wind and his approaching footsteps.
After her she told him that she planned on staying behind, he didn’t think he would see her again, or at least, not like this. Maybe while she was in the midst of fighting a hollow in Karakura town, but not in their homeroom classroom, sitting in a window.
“Ichigo.” She turned to him slightly.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were staying in Soul Society?”
“I was. But I was assigned here again.”
“When were you going to tell me?”
“I’m telling you now, aren’t I?”
That much was true. The male clicked his teeth and looked her over.
Not that the time they spent apart was great, but she seemed different. Almost as if she had matured, as if something about her had changed… that wasn’t her height.
The two relocated to the roof. Even though it was still early enough for most kids not to show up, some of the students were showing up for early morning practices.
“How long as it been since you were here last?”
“Roughly three months. Seems like a long time.”
There wasn’t much to talk about, but there was idle chat between them. Although, during mid-conversation, the girl pulled out a juice box out of her pocket. The tall male hadn’t noticed yet, seeing as he kept talking.
“-much hasn’t changed around here. Ishida’s still the same and Inoue keeps asking me to try her strange cooking, and Ch-What are you doing?”
She swore she would get it right this time. After all, she had been practicing. Rukia was determined to conquer the juice box and her violet eyes showed it. But why did she blank out? She couldn’t remember how to even go about drinking the contents of the small box. How… how did this go again?
Ichigo, frustrated, grabbed the juice box from her. Rukia looked on with intent to relearn the information she had lost. But Ichigo did the process so fast that her eyes couldn’t catch it all. He grunted as he handed the box to her.
No, nothing changed about her at all.