Title: Rivers
Rating: G
Fandom: DOGS: Bullets & Carnage
Character(s): Naoto Fuyumine, Heine Rammsteiner
Pairing(s): Heine/Naoto
Word Count: 58
Summary: Two paths become one and they don't even realize it.
Author's Note: Written for the "Sometimes
One Sentence Fic Meme at
the_devils_See. At the request of "Naoto and Heine: Rivers."
It all started in one place before it split off and made its own path. Calm at times, but had the potential to become raging, dangerous. But sometimes, rivers tend to intersect, intertwine, before merging, become something new. Combined it was more powerful, but still was the same in its own essence.
Their paths were same as well.
Title: Mistake #2
Rating: T
Fandom: DOGS: Bullets & Carnage
Character(s): Naoto Fuyumine, Heine Rammsteiner
Pairing(s): Heine/Naoto
Word Count: 103
Summary: Naoto agrees that she and Heine live together in order to keep an eye on each other. But is it such a bad idea?
Author's Note: Written for the "Sometimes
One Sentence Fic Meme at
the_devils_See. At the request of "Naoto and Heine: Shirtless scene." Also titled inspired by ATC's -
Mistake #2, but I aware of this song because of Dream's
I could walk away now, end it perfectly.
And just say your words are not effecting me.
Somewhere deep inside, I know it may be wrong,
But I'm ready to commit
Mistake #2
Somehow they agreed to live together and Naoto knew from the very beginning it was a bad idea. Heine would constantly get in her way, move her things. Damn it, this was her territory. Just like the time she went into a room in order to get something and there he was, shirt over his head and soon pulled off, his chest facing the door. He shot her a curious look before she slammed the door closed, pressing her back to the wood, hand over her face. Heat rushed to her cheeks and she couldn't even explain why.
Maybe... it wasn't that bad.