Title: A Roof Over Your Head is Not a Home
Rating: T
Fandom: DOGS: Bullets & Carnage, Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Character(s): Naoto Fuyumine, Heine Rammsteiner, Tieria Erde
Pairing(s): Naoto/Heine/Tieria
Word Count: 147
Summary: A roof over your head isn't a home. Having friends who are willing to be with you are your true home.
Author's Note: Just don't even ask. Horrible things off plurk. OT3 taken from
the_devils_See They couldn’t remember how it happened. After all, who could remember the passage of time when no calendars were present in a world where the beginning of time had crawled from the woodwork? When they lost their way, they found their way here. Friendship was a strange thing and maybe for the first thing they would experience it for the first time.
The space was cramped in one room. But in the living area, there was enough space for them to share the basic essentials. Somehow it turned into one pillow and three blankets. How that made any sense, neither of them seemed to care.
Sharing, not minding the other’s company. When you’re a run away, a stray, and not exactly human, you don’t need a roof over your head to call it a home, but friends who have your back more than just in a firefight.