Title: The Wrong Memory
Rating: PG
Fandom: Code Geass, Star Trek XI
Character(s): Kozuki Kallen, Hikaru Sulu
Pairing(s): Sulu/Kallen
Word Count: 333
Summary: The system happened to be malfunctioning. And in helping Sulu reclaim one of his memories, because of the system, he was awarded with one of hers.
Author's Note: Written for the Fanwork Meme. Paring from
The system was on the fritz. There was no explanation as to how or why, but it just was. The 'higher ups' (if there were any) had nothing to report, so everyone else was basically left in the dark.
"Hey Kallen?" Sulu questioned the other girl. He had wanted to meet with her privately because something was off about all this.
"Your mother... she took drugs right? Something called Refrain and she kept living in the past... to remember the times between you, her, and your brother."
Kallen looked up at him in confusion. Just what was he talking about?
"But together, both of you sorted things out and she's recovering. Does any of that sound familiar to you?"
They weren't even from the same world. So how he did know about her mother and--
"Do you even remember your mother?"
It was the first time someone had mentioned the mere fact of family to her. But Sulu had gotten his answer when the young woman's eyes opened wide. Kallen didn't remember her mother. And in fact, he remembered for her. All the memories between them replayed in his head. Things he wasn't meant to see.
She had brought him a charm to regain one of his memories and instead... he regained one of hers.
He watched as she pressed her back against the wall, shoulders shaking, hands hiding her face, muttering the word 'no' over and over again. She had forgotten the most important person to her. After all the memories she had thought she forgotten seemed so... small to everyone else. She finally realized it was her turn to figure out something big she was missing.
Hikaru approached her cautiously, not knowing how Kallen would react to him suddenly being so close. He softly pulled her from the wall and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
"We'll figure this out. I promise."
He kept the memories of her precious person while he kept his own in his arms.