McHottie and Photography

Feb 01, 2010 18:41

Hello peeps. I'm breaking my silence to say how much I love Cristina/Owen. I mean LOVELOVELOVELOVEEEEEEE Cristina/Owen. Damn, that man is HOT.

Anyway, I know I haven't been around. I know I've been a shit friend. I know I've abandoned my fandoms and icon-making. But I never forgot LJ or all the people I squeeeed with. You got me through many a dark day. So I'm going to try returning. See how it goes. I have no active fandoms anymore EXCEPT CRISTINA/OWEN EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!! but I can offer my photography, if anyone is interested. I think I tried this before and gave up but, what the hell, I'll try again. I'll see if I get any response at all. lol. It's mainly nature photography, with some people shots thrown in.

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