A rush of Life to the Head

Feb 22, 2009 13:46

I think I know why Life season 2 feels "off".

The writer's strike meant that there were only 11 episodes for season one, right? So was Trap Door originally intended to be season one's cliff-hanger finale I wonder. It would've been perfect. Everything brought full circle, ending as the season began, with Charlie gazing towards the light in his cell, facing a rebirth but for different reasons.

Yes, it would've been perfect. I would've sat back and grinned like mad and thought it was pure genius.

  Instead, the remaining season 1 storyline was perhaps squeezed into season two. Am I stating the obvious here? Probably. :-) If season 2 had opened with Re-Entry, there would've been a lot more episodes in which to tell the story they're aiming to cliff-hang at the end of season 2 (I'm just guessing it's going to be a cliff-hanger, with the originally-intended episode 22 now being S3E1). They could have explained things better, padded out the conspiracy a bit more, provided some nice continuity. Instead they had to condense everything to fit with their targets. I'm basing this theory on the assumption that the creator and writers have a clear plan for what they want to tell in each season and that they want to stick to that stringently. If this isn't the case then I've no clue what's going on. Really.

If season 2 is the fallout from the writer's strike/resignation then I guess I can forgive it for being a bit messed up. Plus, they couldn't have predicted Sarah's pregnancy either.

The plain bad writing of established characters, that I can't explain away so easily.

Anyway, I have high hopes for season 3 now.  The bar is set waaay high though, so don't let me down show!!!!

Thoughts anyone?

life, television, musings

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