Life With Father - The Exhibitionist

Dec 07, 2021 15:46

Bleh. Our heat stopped working sometime this morning. I assume the HVAC system was overheating due to running constantly because of the freezing temps outside last night. I had to call the apartment office to put in an emergency maintenance request. Bleh and double bleh.

I felt bad for my dad. Not because he is old and can't handle the cold as well as I can. No. That's not why I feel bad for him. I feel bad for him because he lost his favorite activity: Playing with the thermostat. 😜

When the maintenance man showed up to fix our HVAC I came out of my room to greet him and tell him specifics. I turned to my father who had also come out of his room and had been standing behind me for a good 2 mins and said, "Dad... go finish getting dressed. Don't come out like that."

I vividly recall one cleaning person we had many years ago in Texas who worked for us for 3-4 weeks at our apartment. She came in once a week and was very good at her job. She quit one day when dad walked out of his bedroom wearing only his underwear (bikini briefs and a t-shirt) to discuss something with her. He did it again here in Louisville with another cleaning person we had in to clean when we had the townhouse apartment.

Yeah, some things never change. Some people never change. And some people are just exhibitionists.

I laughed and said to myself later, "Well, at least he doesn't have to wear an adult diaper. That would have been embarrassing." 😛

father, life is funny

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