Cornerstone was awesome! I know that this entry is way overdue, but I had to post about it eventually. I got to see quite a few bands that I wanted to see, and that made me happy, but I came nowhere close to fulfilling my band schedule. I ended up spending most of my time in the Asylum this year. Last year I spent barely any time there up until the last day, so that was the difference this year. I met a lot of really awesome people and had a lot of fun despite the sweltering 100 degree weather every freakin' day! I'm not going to go into too many details about my time at the Asylum, because to be quite honest, most of my time there, though it was really fun, only made me think of other things from last years cstone. Some of you may have known me long enough to figure this out, and to them, that's all that needs to be said. I did have a most wonderful time though! :)
LJers that I met:
cgcgodspark15maurakaypottybreakrev_barraipprincesspunky Bands I saw:
Havolina Rail Co.
Project 86
Living Sacrifice (Living Sacrifice kicked my ass as usual. They are like fine wine. They just get better with age!! :) I LOVE them!)
The Benjamin Gate
Spy Glass Blue
Scaterd Few
Dead Artist Syndrome
Judean Radio Static
One Bad Pig
Norma Jean
Brother Danielson
That's just the bands I can remember seeing at the moment. I probably saw at least 20 other bands I have yet to mention. Crimson Thorn was on my schedule, but I forgot about them playing until after their set had ended. GRRR!!! As I expected, Mortal was nowhere to be found. *sigh* I wanted to see them again so badly. I also badly wanted to see Zao again, but their set conflicted with another band on another stage. I hate choosing between bands that play at the same time on different stages. It's really a matter of proving your allegiance to which bands are more important. And it's because of this formula of how JPUSA (Jesus People USA) schedules bands for Cornerstone that I have concluded that they must be communists! LOL!
On a sadder note, speaking of JPUSA, someone from their organization was killed at the fest. :*( Apparently, the guy was attending one of the hardcore shows and somehow got trampled to death due to the crowd getting a little too crazy. From what I heard, this guy had some kind of disease like Muscular Distrophy or something like that which limited his motor skills thereby rendering him helpless if he got too carried away in the crowd. That is a very unfortunate loss to JPUSA as well as to all of his family and friends. Of course, the incident was not intentional, but it does indeed remind me of how people should watch out for one another. Especially when those thousands of people are christians, no less. My prayers go out to this gentlemen's family members and friends who, undoubtedly have suffered great loss!
I could write more about my Cstone experience this year, but if I did so, this entry would never end. Overall, I had a blast! There were a few things that happened that I could have done without, but nothing is ever perfect.
~VeiL of DisdaiN~