Here's an interesting pairing meme for people to have a look at, I've seen a couple people on my fl do it and figured I might as well join in.
Pick six pairings you like
1. Kratos/Zelos (Tales of Symphonia)
2. Yami/Seto (Yugioh)
3. Aya/Yohji (Weiss Kreuz)
4. Hakkai/Gojyo (Saiyuki)
5. Vincent/Reeve (FF7)
6. House/Wilson (House MD)
Pick three pairings you
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Also, Seto, who doesn't seem to give a crap about anyone besides Mokuba (for pure reasons) and Yugi (for pride reasons) seems to pay an awful lot of attention to someone who should really be considered insignificant.
Blah, blah, I'm sure you've heard this all before. I could reccomend some quality fiction for this pairing if you're interested in getting a better idea.
Yami/Yugi is so almost canon on the show, it just doesn't work because...durr. I mean, in these fics they're always miraculously in separate bodies for no apparent reason. The one I really hate is Marik/Malik. Ummm, they're not even two separate spirits!! They're the same person!! Ugh, that pisses me off so much. Even Y!Bakura/Ryou doesn't make any sense to me.
Of course, this from the girl who likes Y!Bakura/Duke Devilin. >.>
I guess I should never claim that something is totally implausible. Seto/Joey might possibly be done well if anyone bothered to go to the effort. I suppose the real main reason I dislike the pairing is not because of the characters themselves, but because of the way fandom has abused the pairing.
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