Why not?

Mar 31, 2007 07:05

Here's an interesting pairing meme for people to have a look at, I've seen a couple people on my fl do it and figured I might as well join in.

Pick six pairings you like
1. Kratos/Zelos (Tales of Symphonia)
2. Yami/Seto (Yugioh)
3. Aya/Yohji (Weiss Kreuz)
4. Hakkai/Gojyo (Saiyuki)
5. Vincent/Reeve (FF7)
6. House/Wilson (House MD)
Pick three pairings you used to ship but don't anymore
7. Hakkai/Sanzo (Saiyuki)
8. Genis/Presea (Tales of Symphonia)
9. Mimi/Joe (Digimon)
Pick three ships you don't like
10. Kratos/Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia)
11. Seto/Joey (Yugioh)
12. Harry/Snape (Harry Potter)
Pick two pairings you don't ship now but are interested in
13. Kratos/Colette (Tales of Symphonia)
14. Hakkai/Yaone (Saiyuki)

Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Seto/Joey)
It doesn't make sense to me, despite how popular it is in fandom. It's not that I'm against hate turning into love, because I'm not. But for that to happen, there has to be a level of respect that I've never observed between Seto and Joey.

Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Kratos/Colette)
Well, Spiritua Masquerade and Holyknightsteve are currently collaborating on a fic about it...

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Aya/Yohji)
Oh, just the usual cliche of a mission that forces them to be closer than they'd ever admit to liking...

What is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one. (Kratos/Zelos)
*shrug* What can I say? There is no canon basis for this pairing, liek, at all. I love it anyway.

How long have you been following couple #6? (House/Wilson)
Since about halfway through the first season, I think...not really sure, but probably somewhere around there.

What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking it/caring? (Genis/Presea)
Reviewing my canon, mostly. Presea is more mature than Genis and shows absolutely no romantic interest in him...in fact, she regards him as a child.

Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Yami/Seto or Hakkai/Gojyo)
This is like comparing apples and oranges. They are both my OTPs for their respective fandoms. I suppose I'm a bit more into Saiyuki than Yugioh these days, but I can't pick one.

You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Kratos/Lloyd or Harry/Snape)
...As much as I hate to say it, an argument can be made for subtext existing with Kratos and Lloyd. Harry/Snape (almost) never works simply because Snape does not do relationships. So...Harry/Snape. OOC beats incest for ickiness, that should tell you something about me, ne?

What interests you about #14? (Hakkai/Yaone)
Mostly that there's so few het possibilities in Saiyuki, and I like both their characters. And you can't convince me that they have *no* subtext, not with all that uber-politeness in their battles (even if it is mostly just their characters).

When did you stop liking #7? (Hakkai/Sanzo)
*shrugs* I dunno, really. I just looked at it one day and decided that all the angst it produced wasn't really healthy for either of them, that the whole thing was just kind of depressing.

Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? (Mimi/Joe)
More like the other way around. I've left my Digimon OTPs behind me.

What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Vincent/Reeve)
You know, I don't think I have one. Oughta do something about that.

Which of these ships do you love the most?
There's that comparison thing again. Apples and oranges, I tell you. Do not make me try to pick an OTP, because I just can't.

Which do you dislike the most?
Seto/Joey just gets on my nerves so much. People who write and/or ship it, to me, have no proper sense of either of the characters involved.

If you could have any two of these pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)
Hee...uhm...I'd have to say Aya/Yohji and Hakkai/Gojyo, just because the shows are similar. I've always wanted the groups to meet, it would be a blast, and dinner with those four would be highly amusing.

Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Yami/Seto)
XD No, but at least they don't hate each other anymore.

Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Hakkai/Gojyo)
Heh...who knows? Personally, I don't think it'll ever truly end. They're just gonna keep journeying west forever and ever. (You can see their shadows wandering off somewhere/They won't make it home, but they really don't care/They wanted the highway, they're happier there today...todaaaay...)

What would make you start shipping #14? (Hakkai/Yaone)
Less subtext between Hakkai and Gojyo, or more between Hakkai and Yaone...or I might start spontaneously as my interest grows.

If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Yami/Seto or House/Wilson)
House/Wilson. Those two deserve each other. Yami and Seto can get along all right without one another, but House and Wilson...I need to see this happen in canon someday, I really do.

You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Kratos/Lloyd)
Lloyd has a crush on Kratos and pursues him for a while, with Kratos indulging him mostly because he doesn't know what else to do about it, until the scene at Altessa's, at which point long discussions ensue and Lloyd ends up going off with Yuan or Presea, leaving Kratos free for Zelos to pounce on or maybe to grow gradually closer with Regal.
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