Which old witch? The wicked witch. Snow White can go home now, if she's not dead.
I finally killed Her Majesty, the step mother of Snow White. I hate writing fight scenes, and thought a magician's duel a la
Merlin vs. Madame Mim would be easier. Not so much.
Finally, I decided to cut all dialogue from the scene - it doesn't really belong there once they're fighting. Move anything in quotes over to the V
illain's Monologue scene, and I'll sort it all out later. Then I decided No Lunch until 1.5 K Words of Fighting. I got awfully hungry, but I killed the queen. It only took four pages.
I dread the editing session, I'll likely cut out a bazillion words. Or at least 500.
Happily, I sketched out most of the rest of hte chapter while the fight scene wasn't happening. Hopefully it will be done before the weekend :)