Star Trek: New Movie Trailer Review

Nov 24, 2008 06:43

I recently saw the trailer for the new Star Trek movie due to come out in May, 2009, and wrote a little peice about it. Here it be at Enjoy!

pink ray gun, review, star trek, movie

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Comments 11

sidhe_woman November 24 2008, 15:55:49 UTC
Isn't it fantastic? I haven't been this buzzed over a trailer for years. Not since I saw the first LotR trailer after months of nail-chewing trepidation that they'd make a complete pig's ear of the book that's been my favorite since I was 12.

I, too, have been a Star Trek fan since its first airing in the UK. Ground-breaking in its day, and surely it is immortal now. Nothing can kill it(not even Scott Bakula in ST Voyager).


sylvia_bond November 24 2008, 19:54:51 UTC
Yeah, I'm pretty buzzed and plan to DITCH work all over again. Guilt free this time. : D

Which character is your favorite?


sidhe_woman November 24 2008, 22:34:04 UTC
Spock, just ahead of the rest of the team. And the K/S pairing was my first fandom slash sin, way back in the days of paper zines Zeroxed off hand-cracked machines...

There's something so intense about him, so deep and convoluted, all that strength and skill contained by willpower - my favorite kind of man. I'm sure that Zach can produce his own version of that effect.

Roll on May!!


sylvia_bond November 24 2008, 22:49:38 UTC
May cannot come to soon!!!

A Spockgirl, eh? Well, I can't say as I blame you, you've got good taste there. I adore him as well, but there was something about the brash Kirk that sucked me right in.

I remember those early days, those heady early days when we were all so well hidden..... : D


catalenamara November 25 2008, 01:17:06 UTC
I am *so* looking forward to this movie. I have been jumping on every scrap of rumor for months now, and have been inhaling - mainlining - all the spoilers available now. It looks like it could be really really good! (I sure hope it doesn't suck!)

It was awesome seeing Nimoy and Quinto at a Creation Con in August - they are so comfortable with each other, and in profile the resemblance is uncanny.

Six more months! Argh!

Ahem. If you want spoilers, I can direct you to various places.


sylvia_bond November 25 2008, 01:28:20 UTC
You know, I'm kind of getting the picture that the whole Star Trek thing has been going on for *ages* now and I'm way behind the times. No matter, looks like the party is in full swing!

I think it's wrong, very wrong of them to make us wait like that. Why not have a Christmas release, for crying out loud. Looks like they filmed all the important bits with my boy Kirk. *sigh*

Oh! They've met, that's excellent! I always wonder how actors take to being replaced like that - Nimoy's being there is the right attitude. : D

Spoilers? Um. Yeah...*grabby hands*

I'm so spoiler free with SPN, it'll be nice to roll in the juicy stuff before the main event for a change.


catalenamara November 26 2008, 02:13:41 UTC
Why not have a Christmas release, for crying out loud.

They originally planned a Christmas release, but the movie had just started filming when the writer's strike hit. Also, Paramount said that they prefer a May release for what they consider a "summer" movie (i.e., SF/action/comic book hero/whatever movies.)

Oh! They've met, that's excellent! I always wonder how actors take to being replaced like that - Nimoy's being there is the right attitude. : DHere's a link to what I wrote up about seeing the two of them at Creation ( ... )


sylvia_bond November 26 2008, 19:21:15 UTC
Thank you for all of this, the info about the releas timing and the strike, as well as the spoiler!!! I'll be going to check out your post about Creation Con, too. : D

A Time Travel story? How could they possibly improve on what fandom has already done? But if Nimoy says it's okay, then it must be. I'm looking forward to this even MORE now.


catalenamara December 2 2008, 01:39:22 UTC
It's a bit more complicated than that. From what I understand "their people spoke to his people", but they couldn't work out a deal. The one major MAJOR obstacle is that Kirk died in Generations, and finding some way to resurrect him without throwing off the balance of the new story they wanted to tell with the younger characters proved insurmountable ( ... )


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