Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things: Supernatural Episode Review

Jun 10, 2008 06:13

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" at Thank you!

An excerpt:

Sam, of course, knows better, and back at the motel, the boys have a major dither as Sam calls his brother to task. I’m sure it must be getting old for him trying to make Dean talk, trying to make him admit that the ( Read more... )

episode, review, ackles, spn, padalecki, kripke

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meluivan_indil June 19 2008, 03:26:48 UTC
Now to the rest of my comment. *Sticks tongue out at lj*

Now lets skip ahead to honestly my second most favorite scene of all three seasons. You guessed it, that last scene on the hillside. I'd have to say that I'm right with you there on how awesome it is to see Dean cry. The first time I watched it I didn't catch the tear in his eye until he turned towards Sammy and then back again and I thought I'd fall off my bed trying to get to the remote to back it up and watch it again. I thought 'that was a tear, a real tear, and the best man crying scene I'd ever seen in my entire life' That one tear just blew me completely away. Then once I calmed myself enough to listen to his words I was crying right along with him. Because as you and Dean both said "What can Sammy say to make that alright?" I begged and I pleaded with Sammy just to come up with something anything that would lessen his pain and I still do everytime I watch the scene, even if I do know that there is nothing he can say or do.

Before you ask my favorite scene in all three seasons is Sammy's death scene. Yes, I know, I'm so cruel to the boys but seeing Dean in so much pain just gives me the shivers and well that's just the way the story goes.

As I said before, I love your reviews, and look there I even gave you my own mini review. Imagine that. And I thought I didn't have the patience for such a thing.


sylvia_bond June 19 2008, 21:23:19 UTC
You have tons of patience and a very thoughtful way of looking at the eps! I was struck by your idea of picking your favorite scene in ALL three seasons...I gawp at your ability to narrow this down! I love it though, the one you picked, for Dean's suffering, like you say, and the boneless heap that Sam is in his brother's arms. Someone got it right because Sam's lips are almost white - they're white at the edges and still red in the middle becuase that's what happens when you bleed a lot. Excellent stuff!

So then I had to think about my favorite scene...and I couldn't do it! I could do it favorite Dean by himself scene (which, I think, is the scene from Home, when Dean calls his Dad...or the scene in the Ginn episode, right as Dean's stabbing himself...or...yeah, it's hard), my favorite Sam by himself scene (when he's in the motel room in Faith, and trying to figure out what to do about Dean, he's so scared and alone there), Dean with another character (with Michael, in something Wicked, I love the way he talks to him), Sam with another character (the bar scene with Jo in BUABS!), and then finally, Sam with Dean (ANY scene from Hell House or Tall Tales!) See? It's too HARD!!! I gotta have categories!!!

As for the mantear, there ain't been nothing like it before or since. It's glittery and painful and Dean's on his last rope. I don't blame Sam for having nothing to say, because Dean is right, what could you say? Overall, everyone at SPN had their Wheaties that morning, because the whole of that scene, from the location to the camera angles and the placement of the boys was PERFECTION.


meluivan_indil June 19 2008, 22:07:39 UTC
My, I'm imagining how much fun it would be to go back and pick out my favorite scenes from every episode going by the criterias you just laid out. Oh my, I'd be in heaven. Honestly I choose my favorite scene by how many times I've went back and rewatched it. Sammy's death I have seen more times than I can ever think of, on my discs, on Youtube, on anywhere I can find it. This scene is real close but not quite so much.

Let's see other scenes, from Devil's Trap where Dean begs his father not to let the demon kill him. In ELAC, where Sam tells Dean that neither of them are all right. And the subsequent Impala abuse. Hell House, the cafe and itching powder. Heart, Dean offering to kill Madison for Sam and all the wonderful tears that follow on both boys. Croatoan when Dean tells Sam that he's tired of it all. I could go on forever and forever. Oh not to mention almost every scene in Mystery Spot, my absolute favorite overall episode from all three seasons.

I'm seriously gonna have to watch some more tonight. I can't go a single day without watching something SPN.


sylvia_bond June 20 2008, 18:46:40 UTC
Well, you have to have some sort of criteria, otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy trying to pick a favorite! And, as well, there are other criteria besides mine....and many many awards that could be given out: best kiss, best hug, best smile, get the idea. : D The "I'm not alright, but neither are you" at the end of the clown ep is one of my favorites too!

And Mystery Spot, YEAH! oh my WORD, that was a terrific ep - all the way around, for what it showed us about Sam and Dean, to the funny bits, and the angst. I think that was the best of season three, with the Christmas ep following soon after.


meluivan_indil June 20 2008, 19:06:12 UTC
Oh, and I almost forgot, Born Under a Bad Sign. You know, I may be off but I just love Evil Sam and Jared plays it so awesomely. I think my favorite part is when Dean gets to the bar and Sam begs him to shoot him. I know it was Meg talking but part of me wonders how much it might have been Sammy too, since he wouldn't want to be that way. And the fact that Dean just couldn't do it no matter what. God I love that man.


sylvia_bond June 26 2008, 22:10:56 UTC
Oh, I LOVE that ep too! I can't wait to review it. I love dark Sam, and I love how easily he becomes dark. You don't get the sense at ALL that Sam is fighting the demon. And it's such a cleverly done ep too, because Sam is giving off all kinds of signals that he's possessed, but it's only when you know that you can see the signals.


meluivan_indil June 26 2008, 22:29:28 UTC
Oh the one signal that caught me the most was the sound of his voice when he said "No, you'll live... To regret this." There was nothing Sammy at all in that phrase.


sylvia_bond June 27 2008, 20:50:35 UTC
No :::shiver::: there wasn't!


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