Dec 26, 2006 13:02
all in all, good christmas for me. mom/dad liked their AOPi mom and dad t-shirts, and my pecan pies were a hit. i also got a pretty good haul, lots of lotion-y cream type things that smell good. also some canvas to paint (which i am DEFINITELY doing soon), a pink luggage carrier (which ill need now that i have so much stuff), perfume, chocolate, money/gift certificates (Mario Tricoci, here i come!!) and other miscellaneous awesome things. after presents with the parents, my dad and i went to visit Grand (his mom)which was nice, i like seeing her, plus its her first christmas without Pop pop (grandpa), which must be hard. i cant imagine spending 50+ years with somebody and having them just not be around any more. anyways, after that we came back and i saw my aunt/mom, again, pecan pie was a hit. then i went over to adam's to play Cranium and eat food with his extended family, which was very fun. i gave him his present (web cams for us/Goblet of Fire on DVD) and he loved them :). and oh yeah... he got me a pink ipod nano. no biggie right? uhh.. oh yeah, i forgot it IS a biggie!!!! im so FREAKIN pumped, its SO cute and little. he even put pictures of us on there already and a playlist of songs we listen to together. im not even going to say how much it costs. i will only say this: note to self, do adam repeatedly after awful cramps go away. there we go. time to go have some cereal and then SHOPPING with my money. hope your holidays were fun fun fun!