like, really

Jan 05, 2018 23:12

If I never read another Severus Snape, BDSM Master fic ever, I will be happy.

What is it that make people think Hermione would be a dull little sub who gets off on that? Because no. Ok, and also, Snape as a BDSM Master is just fucking hilarious.

It does make it hard to find good porn, though. I've had to branch out. A lot.

Who would have thought Hermione would end up my little black dress (except for Ron and Dumbledore and Molly because fuck them)?

Pairings I have enjoyed, so far:
Hermione/George (or Fred or both. Both is awesome. I ADORE triad fics)
Hermione/James (YES, I SHIP IT OK)
Hermione/Dean Winchester (idek, but it works for me)
Hermione/Sherlock (because, guys, it is so awesome when she sticks pins in his ego)
Hermione/Theo Nott
Hermione/any combination of Remus, James, Sirius & Harry (except James/Harry, because gross)

Pairings I run away from screaming:
Hermione/Ron (he spends most of his time telling her she's stupid for wanting to study and basically isn't very bright and he grates on me and I loathe him and it pisses me off how she got saddled with this fucker)
Hermione/Molly (not that I've seen it)
Hermione/Minerva (I just. no.)
Hermione/Bellatrix (and I wanted to like it, but it hits my Kitty Pryde/Emma Frost DO NOT WANT squick)

Pairings I sort of enjoyed:
Hermione/Luna/Harry - there's one fic where it's very noncon with the way Luna gives them date rape drugs. So I don't always like it.
Hermione/Parkinson - Except most of it Hermione the Sub. gross.
Hermione/Dean Thomas
Hermione/Riddle (or Voldie). I have liked some of it, but it grates on my nerves when it's sub!Hermione and/or Riddle is Smarter Than Her and Leads Her Round by the Nose. Which is most of it, sadly.
Hermione/Any Doctor. I just have a hard time imagining her enjoying his personalities. Like, I don't mind the traveling parts. But the shacking up always leaves me cold.
Hermione/Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, or any of the other SPN people. Not as fun as Dean.

Basically, what I want is a lot of Hermione/triad fics with either Weasley or Prewett twins or Marauders. And possibly Snape thrown in. or Harry/Draco.

And Hermione/Sherlock and Hermione/Dean Winchester (I especially like when they threaten each other).
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