I find it hard to concentrate

Sep 23, 2008 23:52

so I am sick :-P Not terribly but enough that I said screw-it this morning and slept through all my classes. It's a lot harder to force oneself to get up and go to class when it's a 45 minute walk to campus. I missed getting to hear the blind guy with the seeing eye dog in Psychology of Human/Companion Animal Interaction though, which is unfortunate. Man I love that class, the teacher brought her maine coon cat to class the other day and let it run around the auditorium while she taught, how cool is that.

So I'm living off campus now, which is pretty cool, we have a homeless man living on the couch on our porch. His name is Will and he considers my roommate, Tommy, to be an honorary black man. He brought us a giant plate-o-meat a couple days ago from a barbeque next door, so I guess he's allright. His gigantic speakers are currently occupying my bathroom. Our backyard is right up against the playground for the local junior high so I get woken up some mornings by band and football practice, which isn't too bad. And there's a park a couple of blocks away so I can walk down and swing on the swings when I want to. It's not the greatest of neighborhoods but I haven't really had any problems yet.

I have kittens! A brother and sister presumably, they showed up on our doorstep back home so I took them with me since the house is cat-friendly. A grey and white boy with tuxedo markings named Kai and a little petite calico girl named Tessa (short for Tesseract). They're awfully cute though still learning the whole "don't use the drapes as a climbing wall" and "don't gallop across Irene's sleeping form at 6AM on Saturday" and "food on the table being eaten by humans is not kitty food." I'll hafta post some pics of them up here as soon as I figure out how to transfer them from my phone.

Last week at work I dropped a giant can of spaghetti sauce on my finger and now I can't feel it. Completely numb from the first joint up and this happened over a week ago. I don't know what I should do since I got it x-rayed at the time and they said it isn't broken... *shrugs *

Otherwise, things are good, I shall try to post more often. I'm gearing up to make the long trek to visit Tanner in a few weeks, provided he's not on-call, and then sometime after that I'll be home for halloween so maybe I'll get to hang out with people then.
Hope everybody's hanging in there.
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