Jan 04, 2007 20:28
Righteo. It's Thursday night and I'm sitting at my families house doign very little. Alas theres only a certain small number of times you can be amused by magic cards or the soinc the hedgehog anthology on PS2. Still, it gives me ample time to do pointless things like journal updating and also pointful things like writing D&D, a luxury I am likely to very soon loose the time for when the clutches of honours work descends on me in a greater way than my current "read one paper a day and do my grant application at some point" commitment. But yes.
The year has gotten off to a good start. A very good start. We had a new years party fest at our place, which was reasonably attended by a disparate group of 15-20 interesting folks, one of whom it turns out is somewhat of a celebrity. The kind of celebrity who gets given lots of alcohol by people, gets it so you can use it in your drinking games then leaves it all there cause he doesn't drink. As a result we currently have have 6 bottles of wine (soem quite expensive looking) sitting aorund out house plus sundry other spirits of various kinds from said celebrity and other sources. We shall have to have some kind of follow up drinking game fest to use up some of our freely acquired booze. The intervening four days between then and now have also had large amounts of merit (including some rewastedqoifmeriting, ohhh, look at that, in joke...).
But anyway, today as been somewhat less cool due to Kate becomming horribly sick and that will probably remove the coolness that tommorow was planned to have as it involved journeying to places horribly sick people don't want to go. But anyway, I should actually go ring her now as it's rather late in sick person time, though i have little else left to say that people want to hear anyway, so cheerio for now.