Dec 15, 2006 12:31
So, in the long time since I last updated I've finally gotten around to doign something I've been trying to do for two years and moved house. I'm now living in Lane Cove in a highly convinient location with Alycia and a random dutch girl called Stephanuie, so huzzah for finally doing things. Dissapointingly for Polcheck fans, I'm finding that the Dutch language is not simply English in reverse. Pity.
Other than that I've found that honours is indeed happening for me and got some very nice final uni results this morning. D&D has been and up and down affair, with some sessions totally bumming out and being poorly attented and others like yesterdays filled with exciting horse stealing battles and 40 foot jump sneak attacks. I've also started playing D20 modern, which kicks copious ass, so huzzah for that.
I'll update properly at some point, but now is not the time I feel like doing that.