A perfect summation of why and who I am

Jan 30, 2012 02:53

I have been emersed in a show I used to watch as a young adult forming the truth of their existence. One pitstop on that long and winding road was a show called Remington Steele which I have been obsessed with watching these last few weeks. In watching an episode where lives are on the line, they ruminate as to who each other is and how they carry on. The more I watch this and other shows from my formative years, why and who I am makes more and more sense.

Laura: I'm not crying because I'm afraid to die. I'm crying because there have been too many things in my life which were out of my control.

Remington: I have the same grievance myself now and again.

Laura: Do you realize if it were left to me, I would make everything right for everyone?

Remington: If it were up to me, I would leave it up to you.

Laura: You're just saying that to make me stop crying.

Remington: It worked, didn't it? Look Laura, there are only two ways to go through life. Like you, the mathematic student, expecting to find your universe in perfect working order, demanding too much of yourself and everyone around you, finding yourself disappointed at every turn. Or like me, the wanderer, entitled to nothing, not even parents, finding myself pleasantly surprised when something does go right or somebody pats me on the back instead of kicking me in the teeth.

Laura: Where do you get the strength to try when you don't think you'll succeed?

Remington: And where do you find the strength to pick yourself up time and time again when you let yourself down?

Laura: I believe in myself.

Remington: And I believe in whoever I am at the moment. And when that doesn't work anymore? I become someone else.

Laura: Teach me that, will you, and then maybe we can run away from all this mess.

Remington: I was hoping you'd teach me how to stand up and fight.
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