109 Shattered worlds

Apr 13, 2012 11:20

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #109 Shattered worlds
Rating: PG13
Summary:  “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.” - Helen Keller
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for brushing up my grammar

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning: click here for chapters 1 - 108 

It was late. It was even late enough to call it early. They were tired. Very tired. And getting more tired by the minute. Their big and expensive bed absorbed all movement, their mouths absorbed all sound. With sleeping guests spread out over their house, it would had been more logical if they just had called it a night. But they couldn’t. Without a word they had both agreed that the start of this new year asked for an appropriate consecration, even though it could also be considered as somewhat inappropriate. If anything, it made it even more exciting. They had giggled like schoolboys. Pushing each other’s buttons. Teasingly, lovingly and hungry. And back to the giggling when all fire had been extinguished.

“I just want to stay here all night,” Reid whispered, enjoying Luke’s soft strokes through his curls. He listened to Luke’s heartbeat, slowly getting back to normal and smiled.

“You feel so…” Luke pulled a curl, “good.”

“Hmmm,” Reid felt himself dozing off and pushed himself up a little. The minute his skin lost contact with Luke’s chest he felt lonely and returned to his favorite human furry pillow.

“So do you,” he groaned and Luke put his arms around Reid’s neck, pulling him even closer.

Reluctantly Reid made a second attempt and this time he made it out of bed.

“Shower?” Luke frowned. He really didn’t feel like getting up.

“Just stay here. Let me take care of you,” after a soft kiss Reid disappeared to the bathroom and Luke listened to the activities. He obviously had drifted off, because the warm cloth on his chest startled him a little. But then he just smiled and let Reid wash him off.

“Perfect,” Luke sighed.

“That you are,” Reid whispered. He didn’t bother to bring the wet cloth back. He just launched it in the direction of the bathroom and crawled back into bed. Luke immediately nestled against him.

“Best New Year’s Eve ever,” the young blond sounded blissful.

“Until now,” Reid countered. “We’ll have plenty opportunities to top this one. No pun intended.”

Luke giggled. Without a drop of alcohol he felt tipsy. Deliriously happy.

His hand rested on Reid’s chest as he thought back on this festive evening. The sparkling cider had sparkled and the champagne had been a champ. But the real showstopper had been the Dutch treat Mrs. Graves had provided.

Taking her advice, Luke had warmed them up in the microwave and the smell had stirred up a lot of interest. When Luke had presented the delicacy with powdered sugar, he had been the center of attention.

“What’s that?” Casey had already grabbed one, but had examined it from all angles.

“Our housekeeper, Mrs. Graves, has Dutch roots and in The Netherlands this is a traditional treat on New Year’s Eve,” Luke had explained. “They have a funny name, but I can’t remember…”

“Oliebol,” Reid had said and had smiled at Luke’s surprise. “I know, I’m horrible with names, but this sounded kinda like Oliver, so that was an efficient mnemonic.”

He had taking the lead by picking up an oliebol, dipping it into the bowl with sugar and taking a bite. His visible ecstasy had been an inspiration to their guests and their nods and approving sounds had been telling the story. They liked. They even had liked a little too much - to Reid’s taste - because a few minutes before midnight there was not another oliebol in the house.

“Wow, those Dutch know what’s good for them…” Cased had wiped his mouth. “Figures you would find yourself a housekeeper that comes up with food like this.”

He had slapped Reid on the shoulder, but the doctor had pointed at Luke.

“He deserves all the credit. I had nothing to do with it. But I guess my genius rubbed off on my hot blond.”

Luke had just smiled, while trying to wipe the sugar off Danny who had practically covered himself in it.

“She is a gem,” he agreed.

“She is sweet,” Danny had nodded, dipping his finger on some sugar on his shirt and licking it off, “just like this sugar.”

He had giggled and Hallie had giving him an adoring glance.

Reid had turned on the TV and they had all stood together in front of it, with their filled glasses in their hands. Even the kids had been focused on the dropping ball, both in the arms of a daddy. And when the sound a fireworks filled the room, good wishes and kisses - some more passionate than others - had been exchanged.

It had been Bob - of course it had been Bob - who had raised his glass for the very first speech of the new year.

“Twenty-ten, we thank you for everything you brought us. Twenty-eleven, we welcome you. Let’s make this a great year, guys. Happy New Year!”

His wish had been repeated and Luke had bounced Danny on his arm in front of the TV. It didn’t go unnoticed that the boy stared his eyes out and Reid pointed out of the window.

“There’s fireworks here too…”

When Luke joined him, Reid put his arm around his shoulder and kissed Danny on his temple.

“I brought some small Sky rockets to launch…” Casey revealed with a telling grin, as he softly patted Danny on a leg. “So if you stay here with your daddies, I’ll go outside so you can watch them…”

Danny rewarded him with a big grin. “Cool!”

“That’s the plan,” Casey had winked and had walked into the hallway with Ali on his heels.

“Case, can I have one of those?”

“Sure,” he had handed her one, “I never knew you liked this stuff.”

“I don’t,” she had admitted, “and I will let you fire them, but I just had a thought…”

Curious now, Casey had followed Ali back into the living room and had watched her showing Danny the rocket.

“I just noticed Casey brought some very special rockets, Danny. This one is specially designed to hold bad memories…”

Danny had been all ears and after an approving nod of the two daddies, she had continued, “So you take the memories out of your head and put them in here. And Casey will shoot them into the sky.”

She had held the rocket in front of the boy and with a serious look, Danny’s small hands had pushed on the upper part of the construction.

“All in?” Ali had asked, as neutral as humanly possible.

Danny had shaken his head. “It doesn’t all fit,” he had whispered.

“Then we just need another one,” Casey had concluded and returned after a few minutes with a new rocket. Danny had smiled after repeating the procedure.


The boy had nodded and while collecting the obvious approval of everyone present, Ali had joined Casey outside.

“That was brilliant, Ali…” Casey had kissed her firmly and she had blushed accordingly.

“Anything to make that little one smile,” she had whispered and she had waved at the people behind the windows in front of her. “Just make sure they will not hit me…”

“I know what I’m doing,” Casey smiled, “and this stuff is legal for a reason. It’s nothing major.”

With their arms around each other, they had enjoyed the fireworks, waving every rocket goodbye. Smiling, when they had noticed Danny mirroring their gestures. When they had returned to the living room, everybody had applauded.

“Yeah, it was a good night,” Reid whispered next to him and Luke smiled.

“Ali’s idea with the fireworks was special,” he whispered back and could feel Reid’s nod.

“It was. Let’s hope it helps. If anything, they’d managed to anger the Weather Gods.”

They both softly chuckled, remembering the enormous snow storm that erupted the minute Ali and Casey had walked back in.

“Yeah, that was some timing,” Luke agreed. “I guess the Weather Gods didn’t like Danny’s bad memories either.”

“At least Doogie got this money’s worth. They made it home safely in that monster he calls a car.”

“Yeah, but I’m glad Case and Ali decided to stay. Ali’s little car was no match for this storm.”

“True,” Reid kissed Luke’s temple. “So we enter the new year with a full house. Will and his girls upstairs and two firecrackers on our couch.”

“Bob was right,” Luke softly stroked Reid’s bare chest. “We all had some major changes this last year, but yours has been the most world-shattering. You seem okay with it, though. Are you?”

Reid softly pulled Luke’s hair and titled his head so they could see each other’s eyes.

“You opened up this whole new world for me, Luke. Love. Friendship. Support. A sense of belonging. Family. Yes, it’s world-shattering. But my former world needed to be shattered. It was just a shell. A front. You brought me home. So I’m more than okay.”

Their kiss was soft, but intense and when Luke came up for air, he smiled.

“Happy New Year, my love.”

fan fiction, rating pg13, !author|artist: sylnl, romance, atwt, drama, dr. reid oliver, luke/reid. word soap

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